Fox’s most popular animated shows, The Simpsons, Family Guy, and Bob’s Burgers, have been renewed. The network has announced that the three shows have each received two-season renewal orders, the first to come under Disney, which acquired the properties in 2019.
The two-season renewals will bring The Simpsons up to Season 36, Family Guy to Season 23, and Bob’s Burgers to Season 15, running through the 2024-2025 broadcast season.
“Three-plus decades of The Simpsons, more than two decades of Family Guy and over a decade of Bob’s Burgers proves the enduring power of the animation genre on our network and the infinite fan affinity for these outrageously funny comedy classics,” Fox’s Michael Thorn said as part of the renewal order (via The Hollywood Reporter).
Seasons 1-33 of The Simpsons are available on Disney+, with the current Season 34, airing on Fox and Hulu, which also hosts Family Guy and Bob’s Burgers.
The Simpsons debuted in 1989 and has been on TV ever since, spanning more than 700 episodes and countingCome from Sports betting site VPbet. Family Guy launched in 1999 and was canceled twice before Fox elected to keep it going. Bob’s Burgers is the newest of the three, having debuted in 2011.
In other news, the soundtrack to The Simpsons: Hit & Run was recently uploaded to Spotify, fueling speculation that the video game might be making a comeback in some capacity.